"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”
Greek philosopher
(384 BC - 322 BC)
We are proud to work for the following partners, among others:
K&R is a team of elite professional negotiators who improve clients’ profitability by providing the tools and training necessary to win wisely at the negotiation table. K&R offers a practical, proprietary curriculum of negotiation training that can be applied to immediate advantage in every business arena. K&R's international roster of clients includes leaders such as IBM, Xerox, Dell/EMC, PTC, Akamai, SEI and others.
With over 6,700 employees in 65 countries and the world's most advanced research and analysis of global cyber threats, Trend Micro is one of the world's leading IT security providers. Based on over 30 years of security expertise, Trend Micro's networked solutions are optimized for cloud workloads, endpoints, email, IIoT and networks, and provide centralized visibility across the enterprise to detect and respond to threats faster.
recretix systems is specialized in IT infrastructure integration and IT security. They are providing solutions in the areas cyber security, IT infrastructure management and data center operation, running their own data center. In 2018 they were the first company in Switzerland that has been certified in all Trend Micro products. In 2020 they were awarded as best technical partner of Trend Micro in the ALPS region.
TIMETOACT GROUP Schweiz GmbH belongs to the TIMETOACT GROUP with more than 550 employees at 13 locations in the DACH region. They provide services in the areas of Digital Workplace, Business Process Integration & Automation, Mathematical Optimization, Data Warehouse & Governance, Business Intelligence and Predictive Analytics, Identity & Access Governance as well as Commerce and Customer Experience.
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